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Image Selection & Color Correction

Image Selection & Color Correction

All of our photography services include image selection and color correction. This means you'll be saved from the overwhelm of sorting through unsharp, unflattering, or imperfect photographs, save that for us to do! Why are Image Selection & Color Correction needed? Great question! The photographic process results in both perfect and imperfect images as well as duplicate and accidental images.

Our job as Knoxville photographers is to spend the time sorting and correcting these images so that you don't have to! Of course, if you are interested in doing this process yourself and have the necessary software, you are more than welcome to purchase your RAW files from us.

Image Selection

Image selection occurs directly after we back up the images from your event or session. We perform two levels of image selection to ensure that the final images are the best.

Image Selection I

Image Selection I is a closely monitored AI selection that sorts all images taken. This process automatically sorts the images into the following categories:

  • Selected
  • Blurred
  • Closed Eyes

Once this process is complete, we then manually review both the Blurred and Closed-Eyes categories. While reviewing these categories, we will manually add images to the Selected category that meet the following criteria:

  • Images that are slightly blurry, but still meaningful.
  • Images with eyes intentionally closed.

Image Selection II

Image Selection II occurs once we have finalized all of our initially selected images. The images within this group are 99.9% sharp, all eyes are open and meet our internal photography standards of quality. Many duplicate images are present within this group, which is the sole purpose of Image Selection II.

Image Section II is a 100% manual image selection that we perform to select the best images out of a set of duplicate images. In some cases, entire sets of similarly duplicate images may be selected if there is a storytelling aspect to the image series. Once Image Selection II is complete, images will be ready for Color Correction.

Color Correction

Color Correction occurs once we have completed both Image Selection II & Image Selection II, resulting in a final set of images ready to be Color-Corrected. Color Correction is performed on RAW files, which provides us with the highest possible quality. Color Correction does not include Advanced Retouching.

Color Correction includes adjustments to the following:

  • White Balance (Temperature & Tint)
  • Tone (Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Whites and Blacks)
  • Presence (Texture, Clarity, Dehaze, Vibrance and Saturation)
  • Tone Curve
  • Color Mixer (Hue, Saturation and Luminance)
  • Color Grading (Midtones, Highlights and Shadows)
  • Detail (Sharpening & Noise Reduction)
  • Lens Corrections (Chromatic Aberration, Profile Corrections, Lens Profile, Distortion and Vignetting)
  • Transform (Vertical, Horizontal, Rotate, Aspect, Scale, X Offset and Y Offset)
  • Lens Blur
  • Effects (Post Crop Vignetting and Grain)
  • Calibration (Shadows, Red Primary, Green primary, and Blue Primary)

NOTE: A slight skin smoothing process may be applied to images upon export.

Color Correction I

Color Correction I applies our internal studio editing to profile across an entire set of images, matching images from various lighting conditions and multiple cameras if needed. This initial Color Correction is a closely monitored AI correction process that we manually review in the next step.

Color Correction II

Color Correction II occurs directly after Color Correction I. Color Correction II serves as a manual "review & adjust" phase in which we review the initial Color Corrections and make any adjustments needed. Potential adjustments include the bulleted list above. Once complete, all images are exported as full-resolution JPG files.

Knoxville Photographer - Golightly Studios - Knoxville, TN - (865) 234-2580 - info@golightlystudios.com - Privacy Policy - Terms of Use - Copyright © 2024